Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Affairs: Certificate course

Continuing education in Sustainable Chemistry at Master's level

If you want to deepen your knowledge of international chemicals management in the context of sustainable chemistry in a targeted way, the two-semester certificate programme Sustainable Chemistry & Regulatory Affairs is the right offer for you. Based on findings from environmental chemistry and toxicology, you will learn about the most important political framework conditions for the management of chemicals at national and global level. In addition, you will deal with the impact of sustainable chemistry on regulatory affairs and vice versa. The online-based certificate programme is complemented by an on-campus laboratory phase and also includes a practice-oriented project module. Upon completion of the certificate, you will have in-depth knowledge of regulatory compliance with regard to the 2030 Agenda.

Next dates: November 7th, 2024: Online info session // December 10th, 2024: Application deadline // December 17th, 2024: Online info session // January 11th, 2025: Online info day // March 2025: Next study start

At a glance

Degree: Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
Credit Points: 20
Length of study: depending on individual study arrangements, 1 - 2 summer semesters part-time (all modules take place in the summer semester)
Language: English
Start date: in March
Application deadline: December 10th
Costs: 4.400 EUR plus the current term contribuation of 210 EUR
Programme Director: Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer

Order information material

Continuing Education Sustainable Chemistry & Regulatory Affairs: Contents

Your advanced training in Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Affairs comprises a total of 4 modules from the Master Sustainable Chemistry:

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Toxicology and Ecotoxicology
  • Law, International Regulations, and Global Chemicals Management
  • Project Work Chemistry, Sustainability and the 2030 Agenda

Further information on the course content

©Patrizia Jäger
Certificate course Sustainable Chemistry & Regulatory Affairs

Certificate Sustainable Chemistry & Regulatory Affairs: Online Learning

Online study with attendance week

Your further education in the Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Affairs certificate takes place predominantly online during the two semesters of study. This format allows you the greatest possible flexibility in your further education in chemistry. In addition, you will complete an attendance block week in Lüneburg during the course of your certificate studies, which offers you laboratory work as well as the opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange and networking. Throughout the certificate programme, our learning platform is available to you online around the clock.

The degree for your certificate programme

You can choose whether you want to take exams as part of the Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Affairs certificate programme and thus acquire a university certificate and proof of credit points at the end. You can also take the certificate without taking exams and receive a certificate of attendance at the end.

Good reasons for the certificate programme

  • Extensive interdisciplinary expertise for sustainable development
  • practice-oriented project studies
  • extra-occupational further education at Master's level
  • intensive laboratory week with diverse networking opportunities
  • only two semesters in duration
  • Personal counselling and support

Offers for prospective students

If you are interested in the Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Affairs certificate but still have questions, please feel free to arrange a personal counselling interview or take advantage of one of our other information and counselling services:

Application: Your path to the certificate Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Affairs

The Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Affairs certificate programme starts in the summer semester of each year in March. Applications are possible until 10 December of each year.

You must meet the following entry requirements for admission to the certificate programme:

  • a completed bachelor's degree in chemistry or an at least equivalent degree in a related subject area, provided this imparts knowledge in general, organic, physical and inorganic chemistry
  • relevant work experience of one year
  • advanced knowledge of English
Start your application now

Further Information

Contact & Advising


Anastasia Polyzou
Universitätsallee 1, C13.204
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-4110

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