Counseling services for prospective students: CPD studies
Do you have any queries regarding the CPD studies programme or for individual study programmes or are uncertain about of your decision to study? It often helps to go through questions and uncertainties in personal consultations with experts and to think things over in order to be able to step into your study with an appeased mind. For this, the Professional School employs various counselors for general and subject-related issues surrounding the CPD study programmes to help you arrange personal appointments or enable you to talk by phone or via email. Please do not hesitate to contact us!
General advice about professional education
Initial contact & communication - Prospective students
- Jelka Mau
Initial contact & communication - Companies & organisatons
- Caroline Hellbrügge
- Marie-Sophie Sentker
Financial consultation
- Ingo Auhagen, M.A.
Discipline-specific advising: Bachelor programmes
Business Administration - B.A.
- Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
Social work for pre-school teachers - B.A.
- Dipl. Soz.Arb/Soz.Päd. Kristin Eschrich (MSM)
Discipline-specific advising: Masters programmes
Arts and Cultural Management - M.A.
- Christian Holst
- Sabine Engel
Auditing - M.A.
- Dipl.Kffr. Heike Hagemann
Business Engineering - M.Sc.
- Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
Competition and Regulation - LL.M.
- Ramona Tax
Construction Law and Construction Management - M.A.
- Dennis Dalchau, M.A.
- Björn Vauk, M.A.
Corporate & Business Law - LL.M.
- Aleksandra Stalmach, LL.M.
Data Science - M.Sc.
- Maria Kruse, M.A.
Digital Production Management - MBA (until 2020: Manufacturing Management/Industrial Management)
- Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
Digital Transformation Management - MBA
- Jan Maschewski, M.Sc.
Environmental Law - LL.M.
- Dr. Katrin Klitzke
Governance and Human Rights - M.A.
- Dr. Annika Weinert-Brieger
Performance Leadership - MBA
- Christian Otto, M.A.
Public Health - MPH
- Karen Ahrlich
Social Management - MSM
- Mike Krzywik-Groß
Sustainable Chemistry - M.Sc.
- Anastasia Polyzou
Sustainable Chemistry Management - MBA
- Daniela Nordhoff
Sustainability Management - MBA
- Anna Michalski, M.A.
Tax Law - LL.M.
- Moritz Mann
Discipline-specific advising: Certificate courses
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Maria Kruse, M.A.
Arts & Cultural Consumption and Audiences
- Christian Holst
- Sabine Engel
Arts & Cultural Production and Cultural Organisations
- Christian Holst
- Sabine Engel
Building law and planning management
- Björn Vauk, M.A.
Circular Economy
- Felix Westermann, M.Sc.
- Benjamin Sachs, M.Sc.
Construction Project Management Master Class
- Björn Vauk, M.A.
Corporate Law
- Aleksandra Stalmach, LL.M.
Current Tax Law
- Moritz Mann
Data Analytics
- Maria Kruse, M.A.
Decarbonisation Management
- Felix Westermann, M.Sc.
- Benjamin Sachs, M.Sc.
Digital Entrepreneurship
- Jan Maschewski, M.Sc.
Digital Ethics
- Jan Maschewski, M.Sc.
Digital Health
- Karen Ahrlich
Digital Learning & Development
- Ingo Auhagen, M.A.
Digital Marketing
- Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
Digital Transformation
- Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
Disruptions to the Construction Process and Contract Amendments
- Björn Vauk, M.A.
Environmental Law
- Dr. Katrin Klitzke
Human Resource Management
- Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
Human Rights
- Dr. Annika Weinert-Brieger
Innovation Management
- Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
International Contract Administration Engineer
- Björn Vauk, M.A.
International Cultural Management in Transition
- Christian Holst
- Sabine Engel
Introductory course in social work
- Mike Krzywik-Groß
Law of the Energy Transition
- Dr. Katrin Klitzke
Lean Construction Expert according to VDI 2553
- Björn Vauk, M.A.
Negotiation and conflict management in construction projects
- Björn Vauk, M.A.
Personal Performance Management
- Christian Otto, M.A.
Practices of Sustainable Chemistry
- Daniela Nordhoff
Production Management in Industry 4.0
- Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
Sustainability Assurance
- Jan Marvin Apel, M.Sc.
Sustainability Management in Sports and Sports Organizations
- Benjamin Sachs, M.Sc.
Sustainability Reporting and Accounting
- Felix Westermann, M.Sc.
- Benjamin Sachs, M.Sc.
Sustainable Chemistry and Benign by Design
- Anastasia Polyzou
Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Affairs
- Anastasia Polyzou
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Felix Westermann, M.Sc.
- Benjamin Sachs, M.Sc.