Tax Law (LL.M.): Master of Laws Extra-professional Development Program

Tax Law - Accounting Law - Corporate Law - Inheritance Law

The programme is offered in the German language and is thus directed at prospective students with a good command of German. The programme’s German-language web pages provide detailed information needed on the content of the course and application procedures.

The special complexity of tax law imposes stringent demands in terms of qualification on fiscal consultants. The Professional School at Leuphana University Lüneburg offers, therefore, the interdisciplinary and practice-oriented Master in Tax Law (LL.M.). The purpose of this course, during which students acquire extra-professional training in German tax law in only five semesters, is the German Chartered Fiscal Consultants' Examination (Steuerberaterexamen).

Professional Masters programme Tax Law ©Leuphana/Merle Busch
Professional Masters programme Tax Law

At a glance

Degree: Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Credit Points: 90
Length of Study: 5 terms extra-occupational
Language: German
Study Places: 25
Start Date: in April
Application Deadline: January 31st
Costs: 18.900 Euro plus the current term contribution of 210 Euro per term, instalment payments possible, instalment payments possible
Programme Director: Prof. Dr. Michael Preißer
Cooperation: Steuerlehrgänge Dr. Bannas


The Masters Degree in Tax Law enhances your existing legal or business and economics qualifications by adding deeper knowledge in tax law and related disciplines, such as accounting, corporate or inheritance law. This expertise will enable you to provide consultancy services in tax return, tax optimization, and fiscal litigation at national level with confidence. This interdisciplinary course enables you to link the legal content with a business and economics perspective, which places you in the position to provide thorough analyses and assessments of legal issues by drawing upon your economics knowledge.

An important part of the Masters Degree in Tax Law is the intensive preparation to the written and oral examination for the German Chartered Fiscal Consultants' Examination (Steuerberaterexamen). Here, you apply your knowledge of fiscal law in mock examinations covering all aspects of the real one. The discussions on the solutions are a good opportunity to further deepen your knowledge. You are thus optimally prepared for the examination, which, thanks to the perfectly planned time table, can be taken immediately after completing the Masters degree.

In cooperation with

Steuerlehrgänge Dr. Bannas ©extern

The Master in Tax Law offers a wide range of career opportunities

As graduate of the Tax Law – Master of Laws

  • you have a perfect command of substantive tax law and tax procedural law
  • you are confident in dealing with national and international aspects of tax law
  • you possess well-founded knowledge and skills on relevant European Law requirements
  • you have acquired interdisciplinary knowledge from the related disciplines in the field of business studies and economics
  • you are particularly well acquainted with litigation procedures
  • you are optimally prepared for the written and oral German Chartered Fiscal Consultants' Examination (Steuerberaterexamen)
  • thanks to the integrated supra-disciplinary modules, you are optimally prepared to take on increased leadership responsibilities in the workplace

Admission requirements and application

Who can profit from the Masters Degree in Tax Law for working professionals?

The Masters Degree in Tax Law for working professionals is aimed at prospective students holding a degree in law, business studies or economics or any other degree in a related field and one year professional experience, who wish to specialize in the complex field of tax law and systematically prepare themselves for the written and oral German Chartered Fiscal Consultants' Examination (Steuerberaterexamen) – aiming, for example, at a career in a tax consultancy firm or a commercial enterprise.

Students who have successfully completed the Masters programme have the possibility to pursue doctoral studies.

Course of study: Week-end attendance paves the way to the Masters Degree in Tax Law

To study on the Master in Tax Law for working professionals means attending lectures all taking place at weekends that give you the possibility to prepare or follow-up on the content between attendance phases and – during the fourth semester – in guided self-study with learning material (textbooks, lecture notes, e-learning resources). This method allows you to optimally combine study and active professional life.

Logo FIBAA ©extern

This programme received external accreditation by the FIBAA.

Contact & Advising

Moritz Mann
Wilschenbrucher Weg 84, W 404
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-7807

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