Financing your Studies
Is the financial investment in part-time continuing education worth it? What costs will I incur and how can I best manage them? There are many questions surrounding the financing of part-time studies. Before you start your part-time studies at the Professional School, we recommend that you draw up an individual financing plan. The information on this page will help you to determine the total costs of your studies, to reduce your own contribution with discounts and tax savings and to select suitable financing options.
You are also welcome to use our advisory service to clarify your financing questions in a personal counselling session.
Why is it worth investing in a part-time degree programme?
The cost of a part-time degree programme at the Professional School is initially a major investment. However, this can pay off for you in the long term - also financially.
High return on investment
A part-time degree programme offers the opportunity to increase your earning potential after graduation by gaining a higher formal qualification and thus promises a high return on education.
High labour market attractiveness
As part of an extra-occupational degree programme, you can gain valuable practical experience in everyday working life while continuing your professional development. A part-time degree therefore offers you the opportunity to demonstrate your flexibility, resilience and self-organisation and to impress HR managers with your combination of specialist knowledge and practical experience.
Improved promotion prospects
During your part-time degree programme, you will have the opportunity to apply your newly acquired knowledge directly in professional practice. This will enable you to open up new areas of responsibility and increase your chances of promotion.
What other advantages does a part-time degree programme offer?
A wide range of benefits and services offered by the university
If you study at the Professional School, you will benefit from a wide range of benefits and services offered by Leuphana University of Lüneburg. You will receive free access to useful software offerings such as the MS 365 package or the Academic Cloud, which gives you free access to a video conferencing system, project management tools, an AI chatbot or a messenger, for example. You can also take advantage of the attractive university sports programme in your free time or take advantage of a wide range of advisory and support services for students (e.g. on the topic of start-ups/entrepreneurship).
Attractive discounts for students
As a student at the Professional School, you will receive a student ID card that offers many benefits. Student status allows you to take advantage of numerous discounts both inside and outside the university, for example for lunch in the canteen, when purchasing hardware such as laptops and smartphones, for internet or mobile phone contracts, accounts, credit cards or insurance. As a student, you can also save on subscriptions to magazines or newspapers, contracts with the gym or travelling.
You can find an overview of a large number of different student discounts on the German-language mystipendium page.
Professional programmes: fees and costs
To calculate the total cost of your part-time continuing education degree program, there are several cost items to consider.
Tuition fees
Unlike regular degree programs, which you complete full or part-time at a university, tuition fees are charged for the Professional School's continuing education programs, as all services are financed from participation fees and no additional subsidies are provided by the state as part of the separation calculation. The tuition fees are used, for example, to finance teaching materials, the holding of classroom events, the e-learning platform, and the support provided by the program coordinator and the Professional School team.
Payment of tuition fees in installments is possible in all Bachelor's and Master's programs of the professional school. The program coordinators will be happy to answer your questions on payment in installements. |
Semester contribution
A semester contribution is due each semester. It comprises the Studentenwerk contribution, a student contribution (AStA) and an administrative charge. Students at the Professional School are issued with a student ID card that offers a wide range of benefits such as discounts on cultural events and special student prices from a number of providers. The semester ticket does not apply to the students of the Professional School. For all students of the Professional School, the semester fee is therefore reduced by the corresponding amount.
Other costs
For the block seminars on the professional programme, you may need to travel to Lüneburg and stay in a hotel or guest house. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need advice on accommodation.
Funding your studies
Once, those seeking professional development opportunities had no funding options other than those offered by their organisations. The past few years have seen a gradual change in this situation. In line with the growing demand for life-long learning, traditional funding options for training and study are increasingly being extended to continuing education, and new funding options are being developed.
A wide range of scholarships are available and the award criteria vary. Options include:
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD): The DAAD's extensive scholarship database for foreign students, graduates and academics offers applicants a wide range of tips and information to help them successfully apply for a scholarship for a course of study, a research assignment or a teaching assignment in Germany.
- Deutschlandstipendium: The Deutschlandstipendium provides financial and non-material support to high-achieving and committed students from all over the world. Modelled after the principle of public-private partnership, businesses, foundations or private individuals sponsor young talents in collaboration with the German Government. Additionally, the Deutschlandstipendium supports you through concurrent mentoring programmes, networking events and internships.
- MAWISTA - Scholarship for students studying abroad with a child: The MAWISTA scholarship is supporting students studying abroad with a child. The application deadline is January 15th.
- (only available in German): MyStipendium provides an overview of scholarships that are available for students with numerous different characteristics.
- Fundraising is also a way of obtaining financial support for further education costs. For a fee, GoFundMe, for example, offers the opportunity to independently collect donations for education costs as part of a campaign.
- The Scholarship Compass: The Stipendienkompass also offers helpful orientation in the German scholarship landscape as an independent and free information and counselling service. The Scholarship Compass team highlights funding opportunities and provides information on selection criteria and application processes.
(January 2023. All information is without guarantee for completeness and correctness. Please obtain information directly from the respective provider/tax advisor).
Student loans and education funds are one way to fully cover the costs of part-time study. With most providers, you can apply for loan amounts of up to five figures to finance your studies. The loan must be repaid, usually with interest, after completion of the degree and a grace period of up to two years. However, there are also some providers who offer interest-free loans. The CHE-Studienkredit-Test 2023 presents the nationwide offer in detail and also points out hidden hooks and eyes. Given the variety of different loan models, it is not possible to recommend one loan as 'the' best. The individual models each offer different advantages and disadvantages to different target groups. For better comparability, all loans are assessed according to the same five evaluation criteria (access, parental independence, costs, risk limitation, flexibility) in the CHE student loan test. Please note the different funding requirements of the providers: Unfortunately, international students and part-time studies are not always considered.
(December 2022. All information is without guarantee for completeness and correctness. Please obtain information directly from the respective provider/tax advisor.)
Tax Deduction
You can deduct the full cost of your part-time studies at the Professional School as income-related expenses from your taxes in Germany if this is your second degree program. If it is your first degree and you have not completed a vocational training, you can still deduct your study costs as special expenses up to a maximum of 6,000 Euros per year.
(January 2023. All information is without guarantee for completeness and correctness. Please obtain information directly from the respective provider/tax advisor.)
Support from your employer
It can also be worth enquiring about possible funding or support from your employer for a professional degree. Employers often offer their staff various forms of assistance for external professional development – after all, they also benefit from their employees’ new expertise. For example, employers may contribute to tuition or travel costs, give you days off work or educational leave for the block seminars, or agree flexible working time.
Student discounts
Your student status qualifies you for a wide range of discounts, for example in the purchase of hardware such as laptops and smartphones, for Internet and mobile contracts, bank accounts, credit cards and insurance, newspaper and magazine subscriptions and travel, to name but a few. You will find a list of possible student discounts on the mystipendium site (in german).
Book a financial counselling session
Are you interested in advice on financing a part-time degree programme and are you looking for further information? Then please arrange a personal consultation.
Contact & Advising
For further information please contact or
Ingo Auhagen, M.A.
Universitätsallee 1, C40.120
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2467