Leuphana MBA Live: MBA Knowledge To Go

The Leuphana MBA Live series

In our future, the management of organisations will have to face more and more questions and will be subject to rapidly evolving framework conditions. How can organisations face the questions of the future? Which developments will play a special role? Which future changes should we be aware of today?

The Professional School's online event series "Leuphana MBA Live!" revolves around these and other questions. The event series take place twice a year and includes exciting lectures and discussions on current topics in management. The events are free of charge and are aimed at all interested parties from business and society.

©Leuphana/Patrizia Jäger
MBA Live: Free series with MBA knowledge to go

Review: Artificial Intelligence - Successful Applications in Practice on March 1, 2023

After all, artificial intelligence is changing our working world significantly and can be a driver for positive developments. In many areas of the economy it is still pure fiction, but there are already exciting examples. The lectures presented current, positive examples of AI applications and also looked deeper into future possibilities.

Programme Overview:

KI –basierte Frachtpreisprognose (in German)Thorben Green, MSc, MBA Digital Production Management
Datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle (in German)Prof. Dr. Paul Drews, MBA Digital Transformation Management
Emotion Analytics using AI (in English)Shaurya Dev Singh, MSc, MBA Performance Leadership

Review: Future Leadership - Future issues for managers on November 3, 2022

The focus of the event on November 3 was the topic of leadership. How can managers become the shapers of the future? This question was competently examined from various angles in presentations and discussed afterwards. It should not be enough for managers to focus solely on the issues of the present. Rather, developments of the future must be anticipated in order to successfully accompany and shape them. In the MBA programs at Leuphana Professional School, we are already addressing relevant content and techniques that will enable managers to become the shapers of the future.


Review: Topic Managing Sustainability - Circular Economy on May 11, 2022

The last event took place on Wednesday, 11 May 2022, from 6 to 7.30 pm. The event was in English.

3 times exciting input around the topic "Managing Sustainability - Circular Economy" followed by a discussion

With our current way of farming, producing and consuming, we are accelerating climate change and the loss of biodiversity. But how can our throwaway economy be changed to a circular economy? What does this mean for the management practice of companies? Establishing economic cycles with as little loss of resources as possible is a major challenge: according to the Federal Statistical Office, around 400 million tonnes of waste are produced each year in Germany alone, and only a fraction of the products can be reused or recycled. Thinking about recycling from start to finish - starting with product design, in supply chains and at the end of the product's useful life - is an urgent task for companies, not least because of the political pressure to act as a result of the EU Commission's Circular Economy Action Plan: according to this plan, only recyclable products may be brought onto the market as early as 2030. The current crises also show how important sustainable supply chains and resource-conserving production patterns are and how difficult it is to implement them in corporate practice.

How should global supply chains be designed for a circular economy? To what extent can modularisation enable circularity? Why is "green chemistry" not enough? And what does circular economy mean for management practice in companies?

The three part-time MBA programmes Sustainable Chemistry Management, Sustainability Management and Digital Production Management presented keynote speeches highlighting the topic from different academic perspectives and looking at the implications for management practice. Participants gained insights into a current topic, have the opportunity to exchange and network with the speakers and other participants, and also get to know the three MBA programmes better.

Contact & Advising

MBA Performance Leadership

Christian Otto, M.A.
Universitätsallee 1, C6.004
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1865

MBA Digital Transformation Management

Jan Maschewski
Universitätsallee 1, C 4.320
21335 Lüneburg
Fon 04131.677-1595

MBA Digital Production Management

Ulrike Kahlfeldt, M.A.
Universitätsallee 1, C12.201
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1867