Master of Business Administration Sustainable Chemistry Management (MBA)

Sustainable Development – Transformative Management Strategies – Chemistry in Economy and Society

Emerging policy frameworks all over the globe are setting ambitious goals for conducting value creation within the safe operating space of the planetary boundaries and the Agenda 2030. All sectors of the economy, from agriculture, housing, healthcare, mobility, energy to the IT sector, depend on the use of chemical products, and are facing an imminent necessity to change gear in response to climate change, pollution and resource depletion. New types of resources and energy systems are required for production routes, along with increased circularity in resource and product flows, and compliance to international regulations for pollution prevention and climate neutrality.

Learn with us how to integrate transformative management practices of sustainable chemistry in your field of profession – and become a leading actor in reshaping our socio-economy to the requirements of sustainability. The MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management provides comprehensive training for sustainability-oriented management in various sectors connected to the chemical enterprise.

©Leuphana/Markus Tiemann
Study our MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management part-time via distance-learning

Upcoming dates: October 31st, 2024: Early Bird application // November 7th, 2024: Online info session // December 10th, 2024: Application deadline // December 17th, 2024: Online info session // January 11th, 2025: Online information day // March 2025: Next study start // March 10th - 14th, 2025: Attendance phase

You don't want to wait for the next start of your studies? Flexible entry all year round

Please note: Your interests lie less in the management of sustainable chemistry? Find out more about our M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry here.

At a glance

Degree: MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Credit Points: 60
Lenght of Study: 3 Semesters
Language: English
Study Places: 25
Start Date: March, flexible entry options
Application Deadline: 10th of December
Costs: 14 850 Euro plus the current term contribution of 210 Euro per term, instalment payments possible
Programme Director: Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer

Order information material

Content of the MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management

Participants learn the fundamentals of sustainability management combined with operational knowledge in the field of the chemical sector including the chemical enterprise. Framed by an interdisciplinary understanding of sustainable chemistry, and a general perspective of how the practice of chemistry is linked to sustainability, content includes:

  • Concepts and approaches of green chemistry and sustainable chemistry
  • Principles and conditions for sustainability management
  • Sustainability assessment
  • Ethics and leadership
  • Innovation management
  • International policy frameworks for chemicals and waste management
  • Regulations for chemical safety in products and supply chains
  • Strategies for implementing product and resource circularity
  • Strategic planning for climate neutrality

About the programme content

©Berufsbegleitend Studieren: MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management
MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management: International professional programme

Your programme hosts: Excellence in Sustainable Chemistry and Sustainability Management // Leuphana University and ISC3

The MBA Sustainable Chemistry Managementis an innovative programme offered by the Institute for Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry (ISEC) in collaboration with the Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM) of Leuphana University - a leading centre of excellence for sustainability management and an international research hub in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship, that adds more than 15 years of experience in management education to the programme.

Programme development is conducted at the Research & Education Hub of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3), which is hosted by ISEC. The ISC3 was established in 2017 by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as a centre contributing to the international transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry in the context of the UN Agenda 2030 and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM).

Following the development of the M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry, a related degree launched in 2020 at Leuphana Professional School, the MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management is a second important milestone of transformative educational activities in sustainable chemistry.

Course of study: Earn an MBA degree online

The MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management is a continuing professional development (CPD) programme aimed at international professionals. Most of the curriculum is delivered by online learning, framed by two onsite sessions on the Campus of Leuphana University at the beginning and the end of the curriculum, respectively. During these onsite sessions, there will be lectures, seminars and extensive networking opportunities with various stakeholders interested in sustainable chemistry.

Educational Leave

The introductory on-site week of the Master's programmes in Sustainable Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry Management is eligible for educational leave (“Bildungsurlaub”) for persons who live and work in Germany. In addition to your statutory or contractual leave, you have the possibility to take time off from work during this period to participate in this significant event – all while receiving your full salary!

To avail yourself of this opportunity, we recommend that you enquire with your employer in advance regarding the specific procedures and contact us at your earliest convenience so that we can apply for educational leave for you.

Notes on the visa

Visa required (if applicable): Tourist visa
Please note: In order to allow for sufficient time for visa applications to be processed, please arrange an appointment at your embassy as soon as possible. Appointments should ideally be scheduled around the beginning of February.

Unique qualifications for new career opportunities

Managing the transition to a sustainable practice of chemistry in our socio-economy is fundamental and holds new business opportunities for enterprises to transform today’s value creation. The MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management is ideal for international professionals from all sectors and all academic backgrounds who desire to incorporate unique management expertise for the practice of chemistry into value chains and organizations in alignment with sustainability.

Costs and financing

Why are there tuition feeds for the MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management?

In contrast to standard Master's programmes, which you complete full-time or part-time at a university, tuition fees are charged for continuing education programmes such as the MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management, as all services are financed by participation fees and there is no additional subsidy from the state as part of the separation calculation.

What fees are charged for the MBA?

Tuition fees for the part-time MBA in Sustainable Chemistry Management total 14,850 euros. In addition, a semester fee of currently around 210 euros is payable per semester. Payment by instalments is possible.

Are there financing options?

There are various financing options for part-time degree programmes, depending on your individual requirements. We have compiled these for you online. You are also welcome to take advantage of our financial counselling service.

Good reasons for the part-time MBA

  • Acquisition of valuable management skills for the chemical sector
  • Advanced training in the field of green and sustainable chemistry
  • Direct implementation of acquired sustainability strategies in your company, even during your studies
  • Opening up a wide range of career and further training opportunities (including the possibility of a doctorate)
  • Ideal for working professionals: only 2 attendance blocks in the course of the programme
  • Only 18 months to complete the MBA
  • Small study groups and individual support

Admission requirements and application

The MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management is a 3-semester part-time programme (60 CP) for international professionals from all industries and academic disciplines who wish to integrate unique expertise in sustainable chemistry into management and decision-making processes.

Application requirements

  • First university degree (Bachelor's or Master's)
  • Proof of fluency in English
  • At least one year of professional experience for a Master's degree or two years of professional experience for a Bachelor's degree
  • Basic knowledge of accounting, management, personnel management or law 
  • Basic knowledge of chemistry (proof e.g. via transcript of records, job descriptions from the professional environment, external certificates)

Credit points required for the MBA degree

Including credit points from previous degrees, a final score of 300 CP is required to obtain the MBA. In case of a CP delta, options for crediting work experience and/or obtaining extracurricular credits are available.

Alternatively, you can also study selected modules from the MBA separately as part of our certificate programme Practices of Sustainable Chemistry and graduate with a Certificate of Advanced Studies.

How does the application process work?

Applications for the MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management can be continuously submitted to the online application system up to December 10th each year. There is also the opportunity to use the early bird application until 31 October in order to secure a place in the next year's class early and make binding plans.

Our online system allows you to complete your application simply and easily and upload any accompanying documents. You can also save your draft application for completion later. After the application deadline, all documents are reviewed and the admissions process starts.

For more information on admission requirements, necessary documents and the admission process, please see the Application page.

Start your online application

Resources and events for prospective students

Are you considering a professional MBA in sustainable chemistry and would like to find out more? Why not take advantage of our wide range of information and advisory events and services:

  • Online info session: upcoming event on November 7th, 2024 or December 17th, 2024 - register here
  • Information days: Twice a year, the Professional School information day showcases the Masters programmes for prospective students. Next date: January 11th, 2025
  • Request material: We are happy to send you information material on request. Request material here
  • Individual consultation and application check: Many questions are best resolved in a personal consultation. To set up your appointment, please contact the programme coordinator ( The consultation is also an opportunity to have your application checked and ask any questions about the recognition of credits.

Contact & Advising


Daniela Nordhoff
Universitätsallee 1, C13.204
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2853

E-mail contact

Please feel free to contact our team via