Professional Master in Governance and Human Rights

Good Governance - Human Rights - Justice

Are you interested in the topic of human rights and now want to become professionally active in this field? Or you are already active in the field of human rights and governance and would like to expand your knowledge and lead new projects? Our part-time Master Governance and Human Rights can help you achieve these goals and open up new professional perspectives.

The Master's programme teaches governance principles and their application to advance the establishment and protection of human rights. The courses take place primarily online (with two attendance phases in Lüneburg) and are conducted exclusively in English. The programme is a continuing education programme. These features make the programme unique worldwide.

Officially recommended by the United Nations (UN)

The Masters programme is recommended and listed as an official human rights training programme by the Human Rights Education Network of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. More information

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Upcoming dates: September 2024: Next study start // September 19th, 2024: Online Conference // January 11th, 2025: Online information day // May 31 2024: Application deadline

At a glance

Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Credit Points: 90 
Length of Study: 4 terms extra-occupational
Language: English
Study Places: 25
Start Date: in September, flexible entry options
Application Deadline: May 31, late applications may be considered upon personal request to and subject to availability
Costs: 9.900 Euro (total tuition cost), plus the current term contribution of 210 Euro per term, instalment payments possible
Programme DirectorProf. Dr. Till Holterhus

Order information material


Project-based learning is of central importance for the programme. The students will learn to conceptualise and contribute to social change and acquire the design and communication skills to adapt theoretical approaches to governance and human rights to their professional working environment, e.g. as part of corporate social responsibility (CSR) or sustainable development policies. They will be taught and supervised by outstanding and renowned international human rights academics, practitioners and experienced project coaches.

Interview: Lecturer Heike Alefsen talks about her job at the UN and her work in the Governance and Human Rights Master's programme. To the article

Why Governance and Human Rights?

The programme’s focus is based on the premise that governance and human rights reciprocally reinforce one-another. Yet, the translation and integration of concepts and theories into practical strategies is largely missing in most applied projects or policies. Governance principles such as accountability, transparency and participation have to be linked to human rights norms and standards. Conversely, the realization and implementation of human rights depends on the adherence to governance principles. The programme further includes and reflects on the role of new governance actors in the fields influencing the realization of human rights, such as multinational companies, civil society and international organisations.

Please click on Curriculum for further information.

Career prospects

In the Master's programme you will learn how to protect human rights by using governance tools. Due to the practical orientation in the programme, you will already apply your new know-how in practice during your studies. You will design and implement your own project in the field of governance and human rights.

Previous students have dedicated themselves here to problems and topics such as

  • Workshops and trainings on human rights and governance
  • Revision of government and embassy websites in the sense of good governance and human rights
  • Projects against discrimination and racism in administration, police and educational institutions
  • Fundraising for aid projects
  • Better educational opportunities for children with a migration background

In addition to working on real issues in projects, you will also independently organise your own conference for the degree programme at the end of your studies.

Graduates of this programme are experts in different areas of human rights and governance, in fundraising and project management, in social media and campaigning as well as design thinking (creativity techniques). They are equipped for human rights-related roles in businesses, international organisations and non-profit organisations and charitable institutions.

As graduates of the M.A. Governance and Human Rights, students will:

  • possess a comprehensive understanding of Governance principles and the means to critically examine them
  • be acquainted with  the various Human Rights principles, norms and standards
  • know how to apply Governance principles in order to promote Human Rights
  • be able to organise the work in for-profit businesses as well as in non-profit and non-governmental organisations, including issues such as funding, project management etc.
  • be prepared for work in international organisations, especially dealing with challenges in the area of human rights
Career prospects with the Masters Governance and Human Rights ©Leuphana/Merle Busch
Career prospects with the Masters Governance and Human Rights

Admission requirements and application

Who are potential applicants?

This Masters programme in Governance and Human Rights has been developed for students and learners with professional experience or an interest in the area of development, politics, business, the non-profit sector or international organisations. Applicants have to hold at least a first university degree (e.g. Bachelor).

Application Procedure

Applications for the Master Governance and Human Rights can be submitted online at any time until 31 May each year. Through our online application system, you can easily complete your application online and upload your documents. You can also cache your application and complete it later. After the application deadline, all documents are reviewed and the admission process begins.

Late applications may be considered upon personal request and subject to availability. Please send an email to the coordinator Eva Morgenroth,

For more information, please check the Application page.

Course of study

The distance-learning Governance and Human Rights (MA) course includes a total of three block seminars in Lüneburg but otherwise runs online. This means you will prepare and review content by working through course material and using online learning tools such as Webinars and the online learning platform (based on Moodle). Live online sessions will be scheduled in line with students’ time zones so that are all able to take part. This will allow you effectively to combine university with professional life in your home country.

The programme coordinator and the GaHR team will be available to help during the online blocks.

Distance Learning

Information about distance-learning you will find here.

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Costs and Funding

Why are tuition fees charged for the professional Governance and Human Rights Masters?

Unlike for standard full-time or part-time Masters programmes taken at university, fees are payable for continuing education programmes such as the Governance and Human Rights Masters. This is because the entire course has to be funded from fees as the state does not subsidise such programmes.

What are the fees for the Governance and Human Rights Masters?

The fees for the professional Governance and Human Rights Masters are 9900 euros. A semester contribution, currently around 210 euros, is also charged each semester. Instalment payments are possible.

Is funding available?

A range of funding options are available for professional programmes. Which ones are open to you will depend on your individual circumstances. We have put together a list of funding options for you on our website. You can also use our financial advisory service.

Great reasons to choose the professional Governance and Human Rights Masters

  • Gain a Masters degree whilst working in just 4 semesters with only 3 block seminars and e-learning
  • The only programme of its kind globally
  • Exchange with fellow students from around the world
  • Global network
  • Small groups
  • International lecturers with a lot of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of human rights
  • flexible entry options

Resources and events for prospective students

Are you con­side­ring a pro­fes­sio­nal Mas­ters Governance and Human Rights and would like to find out more? Why not take ad­van­ta­ge of our wide ran­ge of in­for­ma­ti­on and ad­vi­so­ry events and ser­vices:

  • Online information event: next event tbc
  • Information days: Twice a year, the Professional School information day showcases the Masters programmes for prospective students. Next event: January 11th, 2025
  • Annual conference: Each year the programme will host its conference in autumn. Students as well as prospective students are welcome to attend. Next date: September 19th, 2024
  • Request material: We are happy to send you information material on request. Request material here
  • Individual consultation and application check: Counselling sessions are offered every Tuesday and Thursday between 2 and 3.30 pm - Book your free personal appointment here. If these times are not suitable for you, please make an alternative appointment with the degree programme coordinator.  

Many questions are best resolved in a personal consultation. To set up your appointment, please contact the programme coordinator, Annika Weinert-Brieger (, phone 04131.677-7921). The consultation is also an opportunity to have your application checked and ask any questions about the recognition of credits.


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This programme received external accreditation by the FIBAA.

Contact & Advising


Dr. Annika Weinert-Brieger
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-7921

E-mail contact

Please feel free to contact us via

Programme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Till Patrik Holterhus MLE. LL.M. (Yale)