- Leuphana
- Institutions
- Central Services
- Legal Office
Legal Office
The legal office is the university's central legal advice service. We answer all legal questions, large and small, that arise in everyday university life, conduct court cases for the university, and negotiate and draft or review contracts.
This includes in particular:
- Advising the presidential board as well as other committees, bodies, offices and the central institutions on official legal matters
- Legal and organisational management of university elections
- Legal review of draft statutes, regulations and guidelines, as well as difficult contractual matters
- Legal supervision cases including the supervision of the student body
- Affairs of the ”Stiftung Universität Lüneburg”, foundation under public law
- Conducting court proceedings, insofar as representation is not to be assigned to an external lawyer
- Registration and administration of student initiatives
Important notice:
We will be able to perform our legal examination and advice more quickly and comprehensively if your enquiry is prepared in a precise and detailed manner. It is usually essential to present the full facts of the case with a clearly defined question and all relevant documents.
The legal office is not responsible for private matters. However, since the distinction between private and official matters is sometimes unclear, you should initially submit your request anyway.