
Study programmes comply with defined standards in terms of their structure and objectives. These standards are defined by the Länder in legal ordinances on the basis of a state treaty (State Treaty on Accreditation for Studies).

Since 2014, Leuphana University has had the right to independently review its study programmes and grant the seal of the German Accreditation Council on the basis of the system accreditation. The so-called internal review procedure replaces the external programme accreditation at Leuphana and embeds further quality management instruments, such as surveys, quality circles and capacity checks, in the form of a closed control loop in quality assurance and development.

At the end of a successful internal audit procedure, the Leuphana Quality Seal for Studies and Teaching is awarded. The internal testing procedure promotes the coherent design and further development of all study programmes in line with the strategic goals of the university and external standards, such as in particular the ESG and the rules of the German accreditation system.