Dean's Office School of Public Affairs
- Prof. Dr. Axel Halfmeier, LL.M. (Michigan)
Vice Dean for Research
- Prof. Dr. Mario Mechtel
Dean of Studies
- Prof. Dr. Dawid Friedrich
Dean's Office
For enquiries to the Dean's Office, please contact or come in person to our office (Universitätsalle 1, C4.104). You are welcome to reach us by phone at +49 4131 677-1929.
Deanery Administration
- Doreen Stahl
- Yvonne Theisen
Managing Director
- Dipl.-Päd. Pia Rudzinski
Studies and Teaching: College
dean of studies office
- Christina Frese
Consultant for Internationalisation
Studies and Teaching: Graduate School
Consultants for the Master's Programme in Law
- Caspar Alexander Weitz
- Isabelle Bergmann-Casagranda
Student Assistants
Can Bethke
Annika Volz
Anneke Werner
Student Representative (Advisory)
Student Representative in the Dean's Office in accordance with § 12 Para. 2 Basic Regulations
Johanna Niehaus