Governance & Human Rights Master: Erfahrungsberichte
Warum haben sich andere für den Master Governance and Human Rights entschieden? Was sind ihre Erfahrungen aus dem berufsbegleitenden Fernstudium an der Leuphana Professional School? Erfahren Sie hier mehr in den Erfahrungsberichten unserer Studierenden, Lehrenden und Alumni auf dieser Seite.
Lesenswert sind zudem die folgenden Artikel:
- Sylvester Uhaa: "Respect the Rights and Dignity of People"
- Heike Alefsen: "Bleibt beharrlich"
- Sophie Stammler: "Maya und die Menschenrechte"
- Huda Midani: Online in Damaskus (pdf)
- Ana Lozano: Entwaffnung der FARC (pdf)
This Masters programme has a very international atmosphere. You have the opportunity to get to know different approaches and perspectives in the field of human rights and governance by exchanging first hand experiences from people all over the world. It is intense and demanding but academic coordination is very flexible to adjust to each personal situation and committed to constant improvement.
Over the past years I’ve become increasingly aware of the unacceptable living conditions and suffering that millions of people face on a daily basis. Women and girls particularly face tremendous issues that I want to help alleviate and raise awareness about. The best way to do this, I believe, is through educating myself about the whole picture (both good governance and human rights issues) in order to learn how to help produce effective and long-lasting change.
The programme offers a one of a kind combination of theory and practice. Being able to study this exceptional subject while working lets me apply what I learn on the go and enables me to promote and protect human rights effectively.
Kontakt & Beratung
Dr. Annika Weinert-Brieger
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-7921
Sie erreichen das Team des Studiengangs per E-Mail an
Prof. Dr. Till Patrik Holterhus MLE. LL.M. (Yale)
Universitätsallee 1, C4.122a
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2310